Community of sovereign people on earth “living man”

Freedom is the natural state of consciousness, and natural consciousness is one that has liberated itself from the delusional phenomena, and the thought of life has been replaced by life itself. Freedom is therefore impossible to accomplish as long as consciousness is limited in the state of identification, the personification of life in which identity is a substitute for existence, and the state is a guarantor of security, survival, sovereignty. A person is therefore a being who can never be free, so be free, and to consider himself a person, is an impossible mission. The liberation lies in the understanding that you are not what you think you are, but you are. No ideology, religion, or social norm can relieve a person but only capture him, so finding a way to freedom is also an impossible mission. So talking about civil liberties or a sovereign citizen is just like talking about long-lasting baldness or blond brunette. It just does not go with each other. The man’s desire for freedom is limited and captivated by desire. The desire for liberation must exist only if there is thought about capturing. He who does not know anything about freedom will seek neither freedom nor freedom. This concept of liberation under the laws of duality is conditioned, so it releases you and what captives you. Release can not happen if you have not previously been trapped and vice versa. The struggle for freedom and action for the sake of the same delusional phenomena that captivate us. A man must not do anything for the purpose of liberation, but to irrevocably declare the same unconditionally and ultimately. The word Čovjek etymological from  “Chelovek” itself is anything but simple. “Chelo” originally meant “supreme”, and that is why in the old days the word indicated a “forehead”. And the word “vek” stands for “power”, and it originally meant “filled with power”, “eternal”. Chelovek (Man) stands for the one who is filled with (full of) the supreme (spiritual) power. And the Real Man (Chelovek) or the Primordial Man is the filled one in whom this supreme, eternal power – the Spiritual nature – dominates.

International Press Release: A Simple Explanation

We and the living people we represent and these unincorporated institutions of living people that we own and represent, are long-lost owners and possessors, donor-beneficiaries, those who have the sole interest of the survivors in all these named estates, foundations and legacies. We own the Federal Reserve Banks– all of them. They were all in


Community is starting with its activities again!

As it is known to all of you who have followed the work of this Community, activities have put on hold lately, although everything still worked, people were able to join and use the tools we created as a Community. The reason for this was that the focus shifted to the Creative Society project of


On line meeting of Living People 27.5. – 31.5.

Dear people, I would like to inform you that we are ready to organize an online convention for you. We will not pretend that this is a standard convention because it is not. The experience is to meet, talk, hug, this way online it’s different, but at least the virus can’t do anything to us,


Delegalisation of property & enrolment of belongings.

The spiritual property of Man is only his Soul and it is something that is truly his, that is, inseparable from him, he is that. The material aspect of property that is today mostly talked about, dished out and lived for it is the one that a Man “acquired” through his work, or commercially, the


Vaccine is, now proven, bio weapon

The vaccine is one of the most important levers of Kabbalists immersed in the so-called. a deep state that governs all systems of the world, including in Croatia. One of the leaders of this group, Henry Kissinger, said in 2009 that the game was over as soon as people accepted the vaccine, they would no


Korona virus by Harald Kautz-Vella

Harald Kautz-Vella is supposed to be a guest at the IV Convention of Living People if it takes place because of all the problems we already know. However, this did not stop us from contacting him earlier and listen to what Harald has to say, and he is already planetary known for his knowledge and


1 thought on “Community of sovereign people on earth “living man””

  1. Pozdrav , samo da vam prosledim par interesantnih linkova kao i email koji sam poslao svim kanalima koji se bore za “pravdu”

    Veliki pozdrav i Veliko Postovanje, 
    Gledam vase emisije i pisem Vam  jer kao i Vi, trazim i zelim da pronadjem resenje i spasenje od ovog zla sa kojim smo suoceni.
    Ja sam istrazivac novinar, gradjanin, covek pre svega…
    Prosto mi je neverovatno da niko ne pise i ne razmatra ovu temu…koja je po meni, srz i osnova toga ko smo i sta smo pravno i realno u ovom svetu !!!

    Konkretno imam prvenstveno objasnjenje, a zatim i resenje za sve ovo sto nam se desava, a ne vidim da iko prica o tome !!!
    Uzimajuci u obzir da smo, hteli – ne hteli, deo jednog pravnog, ekonomskog, vojnog, zdravstvenog, edukativnog…itd sitema, moramo prvo sagledati koji i kakav je to sistem !!

    Ukoliko osoba nije upoznata sa ovim CINJENICAMA, moze zvucati kao naucna fantastika, ali mislim da ste navikli na to. 

    Da li ste culi za Unam Sanctam, Rimski zakon koji je nastao 1302god. a koji je jos uvek na snazi?
    Verovali ili ne Mi smo (kao u ostalom i ceo svet) pravno vezani  za taj  sistem kroz Rodni list, ili Izvod iz maticne knjige rodjenih !
    Taj Rimski zakon nas sve cini robovima kroz Rodni list, koji je  verovali ili ne, ugovor kojim nas majka pri potpisivanju, ne znajuci – poklanja sistemu !!
    Slobodno proverite sa pravnicima, onima koji nisu robovi tog istog sitema, i pitajte ih da li je ovo sto se tvrdi u ovoj emisiji – ISTINA ???!!!
    Pitajte i Srdjana Nogo, posto je pravnik nisam siguran da je upoznat, kontaktirao sam ga, ocekujem njegov odgovor !!
    Moja prijateljica mu je postavila pitanje, ali on je odgovorio da to nije istina, ili ne zna ili se pravi da ne zna….ako je pravnik, cudno je da ne zna, ali ne zelim da donosim zakljucke !!

    Javite mi ukoliko zelite da vam posaljem dokumentaciju koja nas sve moze spasiti, koja mora da se prevede na Srpski , na cemu radim, jer mislim da Nam je to velika sansa za zastitu od ovog zla koje ne staje!! Konkretno je u pitanju nacin da se prekine taj robovlasnicki ugovor, i da drzava vise nema vlast nad nama !!!
    Pregledajte i ove kanale jer govore o istoj temi :

    Prosledicu ovaj mail svim Srpskim kanalima koje postujem, jer su nam sanse tako mnogo vece..

    moj Whatsapp je +393348107865
    Slobodno me kontaktirajte, tu sam 100% na raspolaganju !!

    Sve najbolje


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