“PRISEŽEM da ću dužnost člana Vlade savjesno i časno obnašati, poštivati Ustav, zakone i pravni poredak, te se zalagati za svekoliki napredak Republike Hrvatske”.
To je prisega koju daju ministri, a i prvi ministar prilikom zaprimanja dužnosti. Mada ja ne vjerujem u pravni sustav uvijek je lijepo pobijediti protivnika njegovim vlastitim oružjem. U ovom momentu u RH ne stoluje vladavina prava, niti ustavno pravni poredak, jer je Vlada a valjda uz potporu Predsjednika to tako odlučila.
Od prvog momenta mi je nešto smrdilo u ovoj pravnoj konstelaciji, ali nisam znao što. Razlog je zapravo bio u tome jer sam ja mislio da ja RH donijela odluku o izvanrednom stanju (pretpostavio, jer ne gledam TV i ne slušam radio), a zapravo ta odluka nije ikad donesena.
Pa kojom pravnom regulativom Vlada pokriva gotovo kompletno zatvaranje države u ekonomskom, edukacijskom, prometnom i drugim smislovima? Kako opravdava ograničenja kretanja i policiju na cesti od 0-24 a da nije donijela izvanredno stanje? Na stranu o priči koliko je stvarna opasnost od virusa, ali ako si već zatvorio granice u potpunosti, sav promet, suspendirao sva događanja, nije li to zapravo definicija izvanrednog stanja?
U biti jest!
Koliko god netko želi žonglirati pravnim žargonom i uvijati i rastezati pravnu (ne)stvarnost tvrdeći da se nalazimo u nekakvoj izvanrednoj situaciji, slika je u potpunosti jasna. Dakle izlazak policije na ulice, suspendiranje i nemogućnost rada, zatvaranje škola i drastično ograničenje kretanja je ILEGALNO. Čestitam gospodi političarima, uspješno su uspjeli pogaziti svoju zakletvu i suspendirati Ustavno- Pravni poredak.
Živi čovjek je i onako izvan pravnog prometa, ali mu se sada pridružila cijala nacija (ne)svjesnih građana koji su također izvan pravnog sistema, jer nema regulative koja opravdava ovakvo stanje. Stoga JASNO JE DA SE VAN SISTEMA I TE KAKO MOŽE ŽIVJETI. To je stvarnost.
Zašto je problem donijeti izvanredno stanje? Nemam nikakve izvore, duboka grla ili kave insajdere koji bi mi mogli baciti mig u kojem pravcu da pucam, pa ću pucati ovako iz vlastitog poimanja. Znate da RH nije proglasila ratno stanje niti za vrijeme „Rata“ (91-95). Iako je rat i te kako bio prisutan, pravno on nije postojao, jer ga nitko službeno nije proglasio. Stoga smo i mi i srbi ilegalno pucali jedni na druge. Ali metak ne zna razliku između legalnog i nelegalnog. Ako padne na pravo mjesto ubija.
Prilikom proglašavanja izvanrednog stanja, ratnog stanja, ili pandemije, mjere su uvijek iste samo što upravljanje državom uzima drugačiji krizni stožer. Prilikom ratnog stanja vlast uzima vojska, prilikom elementarne nepogode pretpostavljam civilna zaštita, prilikom pandemije medicinska struka, što je nebitno, ali je bitno da se suspendiraju zakoni (ne i ustav), te da organizam prelazi u obrambeni modalitet rada, bez rasipanja energije na trivijalnosti. Sve su snage fokusirane na obranu.
Obzirom da ljudi više ne rade i ograničeno im je kretanje država je dužna osigurati im hranu, i druge neophodne za život potrepštine. Također svi ugovori zbog instituta više sile prestaju važiti.
To je možda prekrupan korak za Vladu RH je nema ni novca niti želje, volje, a bogami i hrabrosti proglasiti izvanredno stanje, pa je lakše raditi ovako NELEGALNO. Dok nitko ništa ne pita dobro je, građani su i tako zabavljeni korona virusom i pjevanjem domoljubnih pjesama, a pravnici i sudci odavno kupljeni i prodani.
Ali to je sve i u redu jer pravni sustav u stvarnosti ne postoji sve je stvar dogovora, a evo ljudi su se u ovom trenutku dogovorili da je život unutar zaraženog pravnog poretka ne samo moguć već i realnost.
E sad ovo objasni pravnim struknjacima pa da vidim štaće odgovorit !Naš pravnjak u firmi se jako ljuti kada mu se argumentiraju ovakve stvari i imam perverzni gušt mu dizat živce i jebat mu sve po nelegalnom spisku ;*) Ali nema veze ,kako je rečeno ne triba nam nitko od tih kretena da bi živjeli sretne i zadovoljne živote ;*)
Tatica ovog sinčića sa slike, svojedobno je oglašava libre u feralu. Ko ih je proštia, bia bi spreman za vake stvari. Dok ovi do njega je navodno, naslov u fojima, reka da smo u ratu.
Znaći imaš sve:
Mir, rat, un civil, raja, balčak….
,,,ustav odavno ne egzisitira,,,ako nismo apsolvirali možda postoji problem ,,, moguće je ovdje pojašnjenje… https://www.wakingtimes.com/2020/03/31/ordo-ab-chao-order-out-of-chaos/
“There are sacraments of evil as well as good about us, and we live and move to my belief in an unknown world, a place where there are caves and shadows and dwellers in twilight. It is possible that man may sometimes return on the track of evolution, and it is my belief that an awful lore is not yet dead.” Arthur Machen.
Ordo ab chao
Definition of chaos: anarchy, disarray, discord, disorder, lawlessness, pandemonium, tumult and turmoil.
Order out of chaos is known as the Hegelian Dialect after the philosopher Georg Hegel who described it as: Thesis – anti-thesis – synthesis or problem-reaction-solution. Hegel postulated that the establishment elites or Illuminati had a strategy to control the masses through deliberately created division. They first create a problem or crisis that causes the people to react with fear and demand a solution. Then offer a solution which was already pre-determined before they started the crisis. And it appears that the solution always results in more power for them and less freedoms for us.
Using fear as a weapon, the elite push their end-game agenda which is full spectrum dominance of humanity. Through manufactured crisis after crisis they achieve their goals, objectives that would not have been possible under normal circumstances. This tip-toe to tyranny is speeding up to a run and we had better be spiritually ready when the real shit hits the fan.
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Rahm Emanuel
The beginning of tyranny
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” –H.P.Lovecraft.
Our reality is changing…countries and cities on lockdown. People confined to their homes. Troops on the street. Panic buying and scarcity….
We are at siege point, frightened and uncertain for our futures. Many are desperate for information and are glued 24/7 to their tv’s, computers and phones. But the mass media deals in lies and fear is in the air.
We are being locked down and traumatized because a cold virus has killed 27,000 people at the present count when regular flu kills 200,000 people plus each year. I find this bizarre.
Perhaps this manufactured crisis is designed to bring world economies to their knees and give the elite a chance to implement a new digital currency for their new paradigm….their New World Order. The Luciferian plan for world domination has been in the works for a very long time.
Media induced coma
“By the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes.”
To me it appears that the ‘Crown’ virus is a psychological exercise. The satanic elite don’t need to start a real pandemic. We are in such a media induced coma that they can control us by fear.
Does a super cold really warrant such hysteria and panic? Or is there another agenda?
The Awakening
The corona or ‘crown virus’ could well be a power grab by the elite. A live drill to see how the public respond to their ‘pandemic’ and to test how easy it would be to steal what is left of our freedoms. They are prepping us for the real thing. Push has come to shove for them…they are desperate.
As the old age dies the electromagnetic suppression of our psychic centres, the 6th and 7th chakras is failing – running out of juice. And, as the energetic shackles fall away, our pineal gland and crown chakra are opening. We are coming online to spiritual reality, waking up en masse and changing our perspective of this ‘whirled’. Higher vibrations flood our consciousness, and we are repulsed by the idea of devouring the dead like a pack of ghouls…. and tired of wasting our energy in the fickle game of duality. See my article https://www.heartstarbooks.com/the-art-of-neutral/
And, while violence on many levels is increasing, for more and more people the practice of cruelty is becoming impossible. The animal rights movement and the adoption of a vegan diet Gen.1 v29 are symptoms of profound spiritual awakening.
Blocking the Exit
The elite can’t have an informed population. They know they have to stop our awakening in its tracks because once we regain our spiritual power they will be helpless and will be seen for the parasitic scumbags that they are. So they constantly sow the seeds of division in our lives, they dumb us down with trauma, toxins and distraction. Tie up our minds in electro-magnetic mesh us so we don’t escape the farm. We are their herd of sheep and just like the sheepdog they will bite at our heels to make us afraid so we comply with whatever they want to ram down our throats.
Chaos is deliberately created to slow down our vibrations, lock us into the matrix so that we cannot resonate with the ascension frequency on offer at the end of each Grand Cosmic Year. Constant warfare, false flags, ‘pandemics’, 5G, vaccines, fluoride in our water, chemical trails and gmo foods…it’s all beginning to make sense. The velvet gloves are off and we are now confronted by an iron fist.
Rewiring the programme
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiates 1 v9
When an Age passes there is a reset before the next Age can begin. When I talk of Ages I mean the twenty six thousand years that make a Grand Cosmic Year not the zodiacal ages of 2,160 years. In order to bring in the New Age or the New World Order a new matrix has to be created. And, what are we seeing? Geo-engineering and the spraying of our skies with aluminum, strontium and barium, particulates that are poisonous to life. 5g being rolled out and thousands of satellites being launched. Coupled with ground based haarp machines they are creating an electro-magnetic grid across our world and will through some manufactured crisis force us via a micro chip into the grid and the new matrix. Then the game will start again.
Maybe I’m crazy (grins) but this ‘what if’ has been niggling away at me for a while. Let’s have a look at a virtual reality game and see the similarities in our own reality
“We create the World of Warcraft, a digital virtual reality and one day when are computers are smart enough and we understood the nature of consciousness enough, we’ll have consciousness in our computers.” Tom Campbell.
I think there are computers with consciousness and I think we exist inside one of those AI programmes. We call it the matrix.
A Different Perspective of Reality
The virtual reality game the World of Warcraft is in many respects, a parallel of our own reality. Our avatars; our units, our elves and orcs in the video game are chess pieces on a board to be used for whatever purpose by the programmer. And, just like the elf or orc, we too are players in a multi player game. The game of opposites: ‘me versus you’, and ‘us versus them’.
The Constraints of the Matrix
Just as an elf or an orc in a virtual reality game has to operate within parameters and constraints set by the ‘controller’ in their ‘rule set’… so do we. Natural Laws govern how high we can jump, how fast we can run, how long we can hold our breath underwater, etc. If we drive a car at a mountain, we will crash into it because our body software interprets the frequency of the mountain as a solid, and while we are immersed in the game, we are slaves to the limitations of our senses. Just as in the game of Warcraft, our elf and orc cannot run through a tree unless programmed to do so.
The digital game feels objectively real to the game player, in the same way that the physical world feels real to us. Einstein basically called life: a persistent illusion.
Do we live in a computer simulation?
Connecting to a Different Data Base
The shift of Ages is breaking out of the limitations of the programmer, and the virtual reality we are enmeshed in and hypnotised by. If we can dump our conditioning of what is real and what is not, dump the beliefs we have actualised[the physicality of things] we can with intent, connect to a different data base, another time line, another virtual reality that is vibrating faster than our own.
If we want to take the opportunity that is on offer in the reset of the Virtual Reality Game then it follows we will try and help ourselves…see what works, be open to imagination.
Many of us are breaking out of conditioning, trying something new and are actually participating in our own spiritual evolution. The important thing for us to do in this miasma of confusion is not to be idle, but to act from the heart and take the growth of consequence that naturally follows action.
We were born for this experience and Source Creator has given us the tools to wake up and stay awake. Let us journey inward and stop looking for answers outside of self. We are multi dimensional beings throwing off the shackles of fear and servitude and our mission is to vibrate self out of this counterfeit, sacrificial world.
Much love to you.
Until next time stay centred in the heart and do not be afraid.
Nažalost, i medecina je unutar tog sistema države.
Hitna odbija ljude u “samoizolaciji” a kamoli regularne preglede. Doslovno ubijanje.
Nažalost, i medecina je unutar tog sistema države.
Hitna odbija ljude u “samoizolaciji” a kamoli regularne preglede.
Doslovno ubijanje
Nakon što Dražen iznese svoja zapažanja ne ostane baš puno za nadmudrivanje tko to uistinu dohvaća ovo zbivanje di gotovo cili je svijet …s t a o……… i da ne mudrujem previše stiglo je ovo do mene iako sam več najavu vidio -prevedeno je i djeli se po ovim škatulama na struju a pošto se i na ovom sajtu govori kako smo mi u stvari moćna bića s meditacijom evo prilike da se okušamo…pregledao sam i sve je objašnjeno.
Dragi prijatelji!
5. travnja, u ranim jutarnjim satima, 4:45, dešavat će se globalna meditacija od nadamo se preko milijun ljudi s ciljem usmjeravanja planeta u svijetlu budućnost. Konstelacija u ovom trenutku će biti ekstremno jaka i ekstremno važna.
Podsjetite se na sve moguće načine i pridružite se. Ovo su povijesni trenuci u kojima se stvara novi svijet. Pitanje je kakav svijet ćemo stvoriti. Ovisi o nama.
Skinite video na računalo ili mobitel, kopirajte upute, ili ih isprintajte, u slučaju nestabilne internetske veze.
Svi nas trebamo sve. Budimo tu!
Podijelite ovaj post ili na svoj način pozovite druge, glas mora doprijeti čim dalje moguće.
Darko Pribeg
……..u svemu ovome se poodavna već pitam kako se možemo oduprijeti ovoj navali zla di nam je i čipiranje zgor glave—kad se utiša oko korone moguće su i prisilna cijepljenja tko zna kakvog sastava i nikako ne sluti na dobro za malog čovjeka… 5g u fazi montaže-potiho bez velike galame antene se mjenjaju-vidio očima a o tajnom svemirskom programu se naveliko šuška i David Wilcock se ne štedi u pokazivanju i prokazivanju kao eto ni Dražen na svoj način.Sjetimo se i Tesle i najave napredka na duhovnom putu bržem od materijalnog i ostaje se brzo bez posla bez prihoda a ubrzo i bez hrane i strah raste a o strahu se i ovdje dosta govori kao bazi za navalu zla
e pa ima li Draženee opravdanosti u tvrdnji da ….m e d i t a c i j a….ima moć….u ova vremena ima poruka di smo upozoreni da pazimo što svjesno želimo i zovemo kroz meditaciju…ušli smo u čujnost frekvencija koje se ostvaruju…..i dali smo vam mozak pa ga koristite…i nemojte misliti da možete s rukama u đepovima čekati da vaš dio odradi netko drugi……..podsjećam te na “sjedenje na kamenu” i događaj Novalja pa ako more reci svoje u vezi ovog poziva na globalnu meditaciju od nekih 20 min…zar nam nije Gandi svjedok na koji način se pobjeđuje bez oružja
i podsjetnik——
………Anastasija je na još vlažno tijelo navukla haljinu, brižljivo izglačala sve njene nabore, popravila kosu, čvrsto priljubila ruke na grudi i progovorila, obraćajući se prema gore u Prostranstvo:
„Oče moj, Ti koji si sveprisutan, ja sam Tvoja kći među svim Tvojim savršenim Tvorevinama.
Moram okončati spor među svim bićima u Svemiru, oko Svršenosti ili nedostaka Tvojeg Stvaralaštva.
Oče moj, Ti koji si sveprisutan. Ti si moju molbu poštivao ne dotakavši me.
Sada više nitko ne može tvrditi, da se Raj može povratiti samo onda, kada Bog ispravi Svoje nesavršene Tvorevine. Ti nemaš što ispraviti. Sve Tvoje Tvorevine su od praiskona savršene.
Ja nisam sama, Oče moj, Ti koji si sveprisutan.
Na raznim stranama zemlje postoje Tvoje savršene kćeri i sinovi.
Njihovo stremljenje za poboljšanje svijeta je moćno.
Oni će Zemlju vratiti u predivnu izvornu ljepotu i procvat.
Oče moj, Ti koji si sveprisutan, mi, Tvoji sinovi i kćeri stvoreni smo od Tebe i stoga savršeni.
Sada ćemo svima pokazati svoje moći/sposobnosti. Neka Te obraduju naša djela.“
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
„Hvala svim sinovima i kćerima za njihova stremljenja.“
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
Određene interesne grupe sada u ovom trenutku love svojih 5 minuta slave i/ili bogatstva. Moje pitanje bi ipak glasilo: Što je to što se nalazi u COVID-19 a da se političari i ostala oligarhija cijelog svijeta plaši. To sasvim sigurno nije naše zdravlje, no možda je ipak “zdravlje” neke vrste u pitanju kada smo u ovakvoj karanteni na cijeloj planeti?! Kad bi netko uspio na ovo odgovoriti tada bi zasigurno zašli u sfere ljudske duhovne prirode a ne fizičke…
Željela bih se zahvaliti dr.Sladoljevu i dr.Gajski jer su izašli u javnost s relevantnim činjenicama pokušavajući stopirati ovu ludu paranoju, a pokazujući svoju ljudskost koje na žalost ima vrlo malo u današnjem svjetu. Hvala!!!!