

Take a look at this picture above and tell what is the cube to the right. For the observer in position 1 the green cube is to the right. For observers in position 2 and 4, the green box is neither right nor left, while for the observer in position 3 the red cube is to the right. So that the green box is right only under certain conditions, so the statement “The green box is right” can be correct, accurate, or the one that pronounces it can be right, or we can call it the fact. It is only valid under certain conditions, and in this case it is the position of a observer which brings judgement. Let’s get some more! This statement is not accurate to any other observer. So if anyone can agree on whether something is true (in this case, that the green box is to the right) they should change their observation positions and agree to the same conditions as the observer 1. So any statement of the cube is not true, because the truth is something that does not depend on terms and position or any other criterion. Truth is not something that is in a moment and that is not in other moment. We can talk about a conditional truth, that is relative truth. Any relative statement that makes a judgment contains words: but, if, or, provided, and so on is not true.

Each judgment can be brought in a relative system (hierarchical) because the judgment, by definition, has taken a conclusion regarding something (in this case the position of the observer, but can be anything). Therefore, judgments are parts of relativistic systems because they have reference points (conditions) in accordance with which they are judged. No judgment, at least ultra-supreme, can not bring a true judgment, whether accurate or inaccurate, righteous or less righteous, right or wrong. I avoid a word “lies” because the thought immediately appears that it is the opposite of truth, which is not. It is the opposite of the conditional truth, which is also a lie under certain conditions.

In this case, if the circle is all that exist, one answer does not exceed 50% accuracy, so each statement is more false than true.

Every adjective you pronounce and describe or describe is a condition of lie / truth because it is pronounced in relation to something from a subjective position.

On the other hand, the nouns are something that indicates what they appear. It’s clear from before and I often mention that here we come to another problem called semantics. Semantically speaking, the word is only a symbol that indicates something and thus it can not reflect or express the substance and essence of the named. Names are merely agreed symbols that we use by consensus, and therefore are changeable and dependent on time and space, thus losing contact with the truth. If we even consider that something high with branches growing from groung is a tree, that truth is true only in the conditions of the English language. Other languages would not agree, in any case, that it is a tree. Therefore a tree can be the accurate or correct answer, but it can never be the truth

Still, there is a normal question, why, say, the statement “mount everest is the highest mountain in the world” would not be authentic, that is true. There is no reason, though this is an adjective. However, absolutely all positions are taken into account here, and Mount Everest is really the greatest in absolute terms. However, I would add to this statement, “how familiar a man is,” meaning that it does not have to be that tomorrow will not reveal a continent or a place where it has a top higher than this. Therefore, this statement is always a condition, purely because the mind is conditioned and limited. That’s the point, so I always hesitate and be careful about anything to say that is true.

Generally speaking, in relative systems where the condition is crucial, all is a lie, since the system is false / illusory. By the very definition, the system must be limited because it depends on the rules, procedures and other conditions that the system makes the system as that, so every judgment and these limited positions give the impression of truth, but it is actually false. The conclusion is that truth, by definition, does not reside in the country of the system.

Eg. The statement “a policeman has the right to stop people on the street” is a conditional truth or lie. This statement is based on a narrow perceptual field in which the law is the main condition for making judgment. Since this is the only position where this statement is correct, it is untruthful, that is a lie. So when we make judgments in relation to legal provisions as the only condition, we can’t bring any other judgment than a lie. Generally speaking, such a system is based on lies.

Truth within the Legal System

The wise men knew that the truth could not be found in this system, but then they tried to bring all the conditions to one measure by banning the perception of the initial questions from paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. Then they created the conditions in which each observer was at the same position and everyone brings equal courts. Since everyone is speaking the same within the system, one gets the impression that truth is spoken, because people have lost their perceptive positions from their minds. From these (unauthorized) other positions lies is seen as a house, and the sense of truth is crushed from the throne.

The legal system is a system of limited character and limited perception in which certain terms and rules are governed by language. That system does not recognize the truth, but correctness, justice. Given its relative nature, laws have been adopted as the main measure of justice, while human conscience and common sense are excluded from the process of reasoning. (Proof of Constitution of the Republic of Croatia Article 31)

Constitution of the Republic of Croatia – Article 31

No one may be punished for an act which, prior to its commission, did not constitute a criminal offence under domestic or international law, nor may such individual be sentenced to a penalty which was not then prescribed by law. If a more lenient penalty is prescribed by law after the commission of the said offence, such penalty shall be imposed.

No one may be re-tried or punished in criminal proceedings for an act for which such individual has already been acquitted or sentenced by a final court judgment in accordance with law

The cases and reasons for the renewal of court proceedings under paragraph (2) of this Article may be stipulated solely by law, in accordance with the Constitution and international treaties

Man as a “social being” might well agree with just, clear laws that have no exceptions and apply to all the same but …
The laws of the Republic of Croatia, as a pillar of judgment in the system, and as the main and the only reference point, are all but just, clear and exact. It is therefore necessary to interpret it, as it is unclear as such. And now that incredible turn is made in the whole story, which is equally absurd. Interpretation of the provisions of the law can only be by lawyer, and judgments can be made only by judges and no one else. Therefore, the question of the right cube can’t be answered within the system by anybody other than lawyers and judges, because they are the only ones competent to speak in this affair. These judges that nobody chooses and know nothing about their moral background can interpret the legal reality they want and what they say is the truth (of course a condition of truth, ie a lie) that must be respected.
The absurdity of this system is that all other perceptive positions are excluded and the masters of this system are the only ones authorized to interpret the truth (the Word of God, and this is the law). The greatest interpreter of this system is the pope, therefore it is said to him that it is unmistakable. His interpretation is valid for all those who have agreed to be part of this system and are obliged to abide by it.
It is quite clear that man has created a system to serve him and that the system needs to be adapted to human needs depending on the social situation. However, the madness that reaches record heights actually converts man into molds that serve to the system and man has to change and adapt to the system. Walk on the roads Ho Chi Minh and comrade Tito with a loud crap that we do not get off the road. We can turn away from mind and common sense, but not from the road.
The system is all conditioned by the truth, in fact a lie. Man’s freedom in the system is conditioned by the person. It is wrong to say “I am free” if this is a person’s saying because within the system that statement is a conditional truth.

Absolutely everything is in the mind, ie, the soul that has been identified with it. One who is unaware of it and can easily substitute the truth from the lies is unaware of itself, is mentally deactivated, substandard, cognitively castrated, idiot, citizen, layman, ignorant, sheep, heathen, person.
In this case, the truth could be pronounced like this: “no cube is on the right and both are on the right”. Dumb response? Maybe for the mind it is. However, at the end, I should in some way beware that this answer does not necessarily have to be true because there are probably positions of various dimensions that I am not aware of, so this response is also conditioned by my limitation of perception.

So the truth must be seen as a certain state of consciousness in which one is in communion with everything, not separate. From this state of consciousness every answer is true. This is something that can’t be empirically proven, because it would turn out to be that the true is mathematical product, but it can certainly be felt, which I certify.