
Trade is the most important part of ruling the world. What is inseparable from trade is currency, ie money, the one who controls it and how it puts it into circulation. Given that 99% of people are dependent on money today, it is necessary to introduce the trading structure of liberal capitalism in all countries of the world in order to extend the monopoly on the creation and emission of money to the whole country.



By Ivona Zivkovic

Many banking and economic experts, and especially politicians, nowadays handed by concepts such as: purchasing power; consumer basket; inflation; hyper inflation; devaluation; interest rate; default interest; indebtedness, debt bondage; annuities; debt reprogramming; IMF; Paris and London Club, World Bank, IDA programs, donations; investments; sliding course; foreign exchange reserves, etc.

Do you know what all that means? No, don’t bother thinking. The purpose of all of these terms are for making you less aware and less understanding of how you are cruelly and perfidiously deceived, robbed, and transformed into slave for your entire life.

Don’t you get it? Of course, no one told you that, there was no discussion in parliament, on television, in the newspapers…

Logically, because then the robbery would not be successful. But since the scam is perfectly well done and you can’t change anything now,

You can find out what is the biggest fraud in the world. Read this.


We were all learning that the first form of trade was a commodity tramp. People exchanged goods directly: sheep for cow, cow for corn, corn for tomato, coal for wood, brick wood, etc. When the goods in exchange became larger, it was inconvenient to carry large quantities of goods with them, so instead of that, people agreed to find some consensual value that would mediate the trade.Anything could be accepted – a piece of leather or bone or metal. It was all a matter of agreement and general approval  in one society. Most commonly used as a guarantee in trade were coins of some solid metal – gold, silver, nickel, copper … The value of a particular coin was a generally accepted convention. This was guaranteed by the ruler of the state or possession. Of course, the condition for this type of trade implied the confidence of everyone in the rulers and the willingness of all to accept this convention. Thus a system of commodity exchange was created, where the value of each commodity represented a certain amount of coins, and the coins represented a substitute for the value of the commodities that could be exchanged. Thus, the coins themselves had no value other than the goods that could be exchanged for them. They could not be eaten, dressed, used for construction, heating or transportation. The use of these coins also created a demand for the metal from which they were minted, and thus the particular metal had a greater or lesser value on the market, which depended on its demand. As the amount of goods exchanged increased, more and more coins were needed, so carrying them over time became inconvenient. The wholesaler would have to carry a whole crate or heavy bags of gold and silver coins on the market, which was dangerous because of looters. Then the jewelers entered the scene offering their services. They had well secured and forged crates in which they stored gold. That is why people have increasingly kept their gold coins in their crates. They charged the service with which gold or silver coins, and for the amount of deposited gold or other coins, they issued a paper receipt stating which coins the holder had available. Over time, such a receipt was increasingly in circulation as a means of exchanging goods. Instead of coming in and picking up his gold every time, the owner of the deposited gold would give a receipt to a third party in exchange for the goods, and with that receipt he could again raise the coins with the same jeweler at any time. The receipt turned out to be much more practical and became very popular, so the coins were increasingly kept by jewelers, and less in the bags and crates of the owner himself.And what did it look like for a jeweler? For example, a certain Peter would deposit 20 pounds of gold and take a receipt for 20 pounds. But it would take a year before he showed up to raise his gold. He simply traded only with the receipt. During this time, his gold stood. In the meantime, Tom appeared with the jeweler and asked if he could borrow 20 pounds of gold for 6 months and pay the loan with interest. He offered his house as a guarantee that he would pay.The jeweler then estimated that he could do it, because Peter had not appeared for a year to raise his gold, so he might not appear for the next six months. So he decided to take a risk and borrow Peter’s gold to Tom. But he didn’t give it to him physically; he just issued a certificate that Tom had pledged 20 pounds of gold. The real situation was now such that there were two certificates in circulation to guarantee the existence of 40 pounds of gold, although the gold was only 20 pounds. It was pure fraud because the jeweler knew that he was giving out one receipt for nonexistent gold. Not only that. Tom believed that from that moment on, he really had £ 20 worth of gold in his jewelers, not just a receipt. But the main part of the scam is still to come. By issuing another receipt to Tom at £ 20, a new value swap was created, in fact a certificate of value that was realistically NOT put into circulation. That value was recorded as a DEBT, which was put on Tom’s charge, and which would become real value when he repaid that debt with real work and with the real goods he had to sell.When Tom repaid a debt to the jeweler and brought real gold in the amount of £ 20 plus 10% interest, he gave to the jeweler a true value of £ 22 of real gold which he had purchased by selling his real labor and real goods. The jeweler, however, came into possession of 22 pounds of gold without any real labor without the goods sold. Because, writing a receipt is no real work. Only the risk of fraud to being detected. After the jeweler saw that he had successfully and easily earned 22 pounds of gold, he decided to loan three more receipts from the deposited Peter’s 20 pounds.Thus, there were four paper receipts in circulation for the same £ 20 worth of gold, guaranteeing to the bearer £ 20 each, which is a total of £ 80 of gold. So the jeweler created from NOTHING another £ 60 of gold plus interest at 10%, which means £ 66. Thus, when this debt is settled, the jeweler will have 88 pounds of gold created out of work – out of nothing! If the debtors do not pay him a debt with interest, he will also take over their pledged property – land or house. And that is real value.Thus, a piece of paper, a mere receipt, brought to the jeweler real material value without any labor. BANKING IS RELATING TO FRAUDIt was the beginning of banking, and the lending system we know today rests precisely on that – on making money out of NOTHING. That money is called DEBT. What happens when you take a loan at € 100,000 for 25 years at the bank? A bank simply puts 100,000 € on your account. Plus 15% interest – even more interest rate slips – can end up with a total of 200,000 €. All this is declared to be your debt to the bank. You pay off debt with your work that really creates some value. But if you fail to repay after 25 years the loan, your labor and your house you bought belongs to the bankers.We believe that the $ 500 or Euro paper we hold in our hand has value that can give us goods or services that are valued so much on the market. And that’s not a problem, as long as we can trade it for goods. But the problem is when we forget that money itself has no value; it is merely a marker, a benchmark of some real value. Like if you said you couldn’t finish the highway work because you lacked miles? But what value does money created from NOTHING have? Such money is called speculative capital. Bankers give value to it. They sell that money, in fact paper, as commodities that they “make” and value by themselves.


This way of creating value from falsely issued receipts made the first bankers even in the Middle Ages, very rich people. Thus, they were no longer satisfied with the earnings on small deposits of citizens, but demanded more. In the seventeenth century there was a clash of Dutch bankers with the English dynasty of Stuart. Europe’s wealthy bankers teamed up and funded William of Orange, who overthrew Stuart by the invasion of England and he became King William III. Towards the end of the sixteenth century England was a financial ruin, reserves of gold and silver, was spent and the civil war was replaced by war with France and the Netherlands for the next 50 years. The country was in miserable condition, and William could not pay the army. He urgently needed the money. But instead of creating it by himself, he owed the citizens £ 20 million, which he could comfortably as a king (because money is just a convention on trade, right), he accepted the “help” of a banker friend, with “little” consideration . He was asked to open their own private bank, which would receive central bank status. In return, they would deposit a gold deposit into it to issue securities, create and print money, and lend to the government. You can already guess how they would do it. Thus, in 1694, the Bank of England, the first private bank in the world to be legally entitled to issue money, was created. The Founder’s Charter also states an immortal saying: “This bank has all the interest income on the money it creates out of nothing.” So instead of the value of money being based on working and producing and developing its own economy accordingly, England, as a country, began to take out loans (you know what kind) and incur huge interest rates.


It is registered in the Bank of England as a national debt. These interest rates and debts were actually paid off by the citizens through taxes, and when the repayment of the state loan was delayed, default interest would follow, so the state had to increase fees and further fine the people. The name “Bank of England” was taken precisely to give citizens confidence in associating them with something national, even though it was a private bank. The names of its biggest shareholders have never been revealed, but they are known to have obligation to pay £ 1.4m in gold to buy their share. They paid only three quarters of a million. Nevertheless, notwithstanding this “small technical flaw”, the bank began selling shares in 1704 to raise its initial capital. Of course, she immediately started to lend money (you already know how).US President Woodrow Wilson also received “help” from bankers. First, they helped him become president by financing the election campaign, and then they “pay off” his large financial debt, some kind of a blackmail, from a young age. Thus, in 1913, Wilson in Congress “contravened” a law under which the association of the largest private banks, the Federal Reserve, could print money without gold, or creates it out of NOTHING. From then until today, the US government has to borrow dollars from this powerful group of financial masters and create huge national debt. Thus, the private central bank (FED) creates $ 1 billion, which with interest of 3% gives the US government and creates national debt. The government distributes this money to commercial banks with interest at 5%, which sells it to citizens and businesses with interest at 7% or more. So, everyone in the chain made a debt with the same amount of money (one billion dollars) created from NOTHING.It’s like a faulty calculator that has an error and, for example, is constantly typing number seven. And any number to type in is multiplied by seven. So the calculator always gives the wrong result. Twice two becomes 28, three plus four 49, and so on. If an operator uses a calculator like this to create their bills or to calculate interest, they will soon find themselves in the loop looking for some sense. It is on this financial turnaround that the whole world is turning today. 50 years ago, around 5% of this speculative money was in the world’s financial flows, today it is 97% of circulating capital. National debt was £ 380 billion in the UK in 1996, of which £ 30 billion was interest alone. With commercial bank debt, today it is over one trillion pounds (in Britain it’s a figure of 18 zeros). The United States, the wealthiest and “richest” country, has total debt today, over $ 40 trillion, national debt close to $ 9 trillion (US trillion has 12 zeros). Japan is the world’s second richest economy and has a national debt of $ 3 trillion. All other countries in the world have debts. And that is the biggest legal fraud in human history.Thus, over a period of three hundred years, one group of loan sharks has become a prominent world banking elite, and today they are practically the masters of the world.Literally, no state, no man on the planet, no company, that doesn’t own them money. This debt is so great that it can never be repaid! Because if a government of some state wanted to pay off its debt, it would have to withdraw all cash and securities from its cash flows. This would lead to a complete collapse of the state. It’s an endless game of numbers, borrowing and creating value – which is not. Turning money into commodities that are marketed and sold not only made bankers rich, but most of humanity was turned into slaves. Because, with speculative (imagined) money, bankers have been buying real wealth for hundreds of years: land, oil, mines, human labor. They have invested in the construction of infrastructure in numerous countries around the world, while expanding their banking empire.The consequence of such investments is that imaginary money around the world is sucking away real values ​​- foreign goods, labor and raw materials. Of course, you have noticed in our country that in recent years only foreign banks have been opened. The whole world today is divided into those who work and create true values ​​and those who acquire those created values ​​without labor. And no matter how much individuals and national economies work and create, they always remain in debt. And without economic independence, there is no real human freedom.


This may be like a long-term abolition of the slave system. No, not only does it look like it is, but today’s society is it. The whole world today is formally structured precisely to such a system where most of humanity will work and create for the small and selected elite of bankers and their executives, who are called managers by the modern vocabulary. Have you noticed how bankers open a many schools for international managers and so-called financial experts?Obviously, if every citizen on the planet is in debt, if every business is in debt, every state, then where did these bankers find that money to lend us?They couldn’t find him anywhere. They invented it.”Let me control the cash flows of a country, and I don’t care who makes the laws,” realized Amschel Mayer Rothschild, the founder of a dynasty that has for three centuries controlled the economy of the United Kingdom and its colonies, the largest of which is the United States. Back in 1913, US Congressman Charles Lindbergh prophetically warned President Woodrow Wilson and Congress what their decision to grant the Private Bank (FED) the right to make money would take: “When the president signs the decision, he will legalize an invisible government made by monetary power.” in vain. They didn’t listen to him.Thomas Jefferson also realized the danger that America was facing: “I believe that private banks are more dangerous to our freedom than the strongest armies. They have already raised a monetary aristocracy that nullifies the power of government. This power must be taken away from the bankers and restored to the people.” He spoke in vain.“Whoever controls the amount of money in any country is the absolute master of industry and economy. When we realize that the whole system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful people at the top, you will not be alerted at periods of inflation and depression, “said US President James Garfield. Just weeks after this statement, he was assassinated on July 12, 1818.
Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy tried to implement monetary reforms that would repay money issuing  to government institutions. In this they are both prevented in the same way – by assassination. Their successors immediately suspended the announced reforms.  And the genius inventor Thomas Edison saw the dependence of the state on the bankers and expressed it with pure logic: “If our state can issue a dollar bond, it can also issue a dollar bill. The elements that make the bond good also make the bill good. ” ”… It is absurd that our country can issue 30 million in bonds, and not 30 million in money. Both commit to paying, but one fills the greenery and the other helps people.” In vain.


Can the governments of the states elected in the democratic elections to prevent the bankers from ruling our lives? That’s what the government expects, right? Governments could, of course, if individuals with the power to decide something can be out of control of the bankers. And we saw how those who were not in control ended, and how those in control worked. But to prevent any such act by national governments, bankers realized that it was important to destroy all national central banks, free up state frontiers, so that fictitious capital could circulate, conceive and abolish national governments and create international organizations and multinational corporations instead and banking institutions. And of course international coins, like the euro. Key decisions would thus be made by politicians in international organizations such as the EU, UN, NATO and IMF… which would be much easier for bankers to control. Thus, globalization, that is, reducing the number of places where political and economic decisions are made, is the goal of the New World Order. The gathering headquarters is not the United States as the so-called “most powerful force” but the international banking elite.


Where did so much power of the bankers coming from? Did they only manage this by printing money? Of course not. The specific sense of making money out of nothing is complemented by a specific understanding of business. That specific sense of business was reflected in the perception that certain events that could affect market movements could be prevented, or better yet, caused artificially and under control. And the best job for bankers is war and every other crisis, where economic values ​​change overnight. That is why bankers got the skill in four of the most lucrative jobs: financing wars, playing the stock market, controlling information (the media) and trading strategic raw materials. Bankers have nurtured and developed these skills and jobs for centuries.


Knowing which dynasty in the European states and counties could have the strongest influence, who could overthrow the government and get to the throne, where the war was being prepared, who could possibly be helped by a money loan, where to invest, all this was invaluable and the Rothschild banking family has been diligently collecting such information. Thus, two hundred years ago, the Rothschilds had their trading agents located in all the major European trading centers and capitals. It was a real intelligence network that collected data on possible palace turmoil.Messages were exchanged through the courier network, and the postal service they owned turned into a real spy network. Their postal caravans traveled by road, ships went over the English Channel. Their sniffles in the form of petty merchants and postmen were on the streets, at the stock markets. They carried cash, bonds, letters and news. Pay attention to the latest. The news of their messengers were making was driving the stock market. The price of many stocks depended on these informations. At the time of the Battle of Waterloo, there was no more valuable news than the outcome of the battle. The future of the entire European continent depended on it. If Napoleon were to win, he would be the undisputed master on all European soil. If lost, England would maintain a balance of influence in Europe and could expand over time.The Rothschilds gave credit in gold to both sides – Napoleon, whom they funded and brought to the throne and Wellington, to equip his army and clash with Napoleon’s empire.The outcome of the battle depended on who would gain what and who would lose. There was great wealth in the game. The London Stock Exchange was feverishly filling traders and bankers that day waiting for news of the outcome of the battle. If England lost its government bonds, the consuls, they would lose value, while in the event of victory, their value would rise dramatically. Nathan Rothschild had commissioners working on both sides of the front line to gather as much information as possible as the battle progressed. His other agents were tasked with making available and transmitting a brief report to a special command that was located nearby.In the late afternoon, June 15, 1815, the Rothschild messenger rushed across the Canal to England. He had a top secret. The next day, at dawn, he met with Rothschild himself. Nathan briefly analyzed the information obtained and immediately referred to the London Stock Exchange.The atmosphere on the stock market was fanatical. Everyone was waiting for the news. Rothschild, described by contemporaries as a cold-blooded, insightful and perverted man, without a tingling emotion, an icy gaze, without a soul, arrived at the stock market and stood at the end of his pillar. With no emotion readable on his face, he gave his stockbrokers a discreet sign that only they could understand. Immediately they began selling English consuls. Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of consuls found their way into the stock market and their value began to fall down. Nathan leaned slightly against the pole, watching the scene of the reaction of those present. He sold, sold and sold English government bonds. The value of the consuls declined completely, and the attendance slowly became confused. More and more on their lips was: “Rothschild knows,” “The English have lost to Waterloo,” “Rothschild knows for sure.” Instant panic ensued, and the people rushed to get rid of the now almost completely worthless consuls and to exchange this paper money for gold or silver in order to recover at least part of their value.
After several hours of feverish trade, one consul was selling for five cents for the dollar. Rothschild was still standing in cold blood beside his pillar. Quite discreetly he gave the sign to his agents again, this time different. Immediately, dozens of his stockbrokers headed to the counter and bought every impaired consul for nothing. Few moments later the carriages arrived and brought the official news from the battlefield. England was the winner and the new lord of Europe. In the second, the English consul received an astronomical price, far higher than it had ever been before. Rothschild’s wealth was increased twenty times overnight and he then became the main controller of the British economy. It remains, it is believed, to this days. Although the Bank of England was formally nationalized by in 1946, this did not significantly change the impact of private bankers on the British economy, as the governor and government were wondering just how much money and coins would be put into circulation each year. However, cash money has long been used only marginally in total financial transactions. Thus, the nationalization of the central bank in Britain gave the citizens only the impression that state economy was in the hands of the state. Most financial transactions today are done only through a computer screen, with abstract bills and figures and, of course, speculative capital. It has nothing to do with the real economic power of society and individuals. Moreover, it does not diminish the interest that the government should pay on old debt to the Bank. Just a few years ago, it was announced that it had paid off debt from the Napoleonic Wars. That’s where the taxpayer money in Britain goes and why the Rothschilds’ power is believed to be unchanged.


The aim of today’s private international bankers is therefore to eliminate cash completely from use and for citizens to use payment cards – plastic money. Not only that. The plan is for all EU Member States to introduce new identity cards (biometric) that will, in addition to all the data stored on the chip, register data on all accounts of the owners, and no financial transaction will be possible without an ID card and without a payment card. The indebted people will not be able to pay anything until they have a debt to the bank. Thus, if an EU citizen accidentally loses their ID card or payment card, they will not be able to buy their food. Literally, life of each man will depend on the cards, and the cards will be held by bankers. See what’s on your payment card – it’s the property of the bank. Bankers will thus access our economic power of their own free will. It will be most difficult for the political opponents of the bankers when they one day go into self-service and find that their bank has canceled their account. This powerful weapon of international bankers has long since become an integral part of our lives. Many of our citizens think that having a credit card is a matter of high standard. No doubt, it really brings us closer to Western “slavery.”


Political control of national elites is necessary to implement all of this in nation-states. There are many states, so it is necessary to integrate them into a system with fewer officials. Just as much as bankers can control. That is why the so-called “international institutions” were invented. Let’s see how insightful and skillful exactly one Rothschild, through his people, had planned to control the finances of the United States, which had been a British colony for almost 100 years, and perhaps that remains today.In one of his reports, this is revealed by Colonel (nicknamed only) Edward Mendel House, the Rothschild’s man for influencing the President of the United States. The report was dated June 10, 1919 and was only recently discovered. Whether today has fundamentally changed and where world politics is going, readers will easily be able to conclude. The report was submitted to the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, who was a lawyer of the World Zionist Organization before taking office.The report details how preparations are underway for the peaceful return of America as a colony to the dominion of a secret organization called the “CROWN”. The seat of the Crown is in London, and the idea of ​​the “conspirators” is to create British hegemony throughout the world through the formation of the League of Nations after the First World War.Edward Mendel House writes to British Prime Minister: “We have packed this plan into a peace treaty so that the world must accept it rather than continue the war. The League is essentially an Empire with America as a colony accepted in the same way as our other colonies.” The Colonel further analyzes the mentality of Americans, who he says are “incurably inclined toward heroism and great feats, and can be easily manipulated.”The Report also reveals that the Crown took control over America during the term of Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), when the Rothschild-Morgan banking team already controlled 25% of the US economy.”We now hold all American newspapers and isolate Americans from any non-American influence, as if they were on another planet.We do this with the help of Associated Press and our other news agencies. ” Simply, the control of public opinion in America was completely taken over by bankers even then. Today’s global media is all owned by them. The Colonel goes on to say that the US “is playing outside as if it were an independent state, but the confirmation that they work for us and that they are just a colony is that President Wilson canceled the realization of a grand plan to build the US Navy and left the leadership on the ocean to Britain.” “Didn’t our Anglo-American alliance become dominant in the financial world,” The Colonel brags about his success. He goes on to say that the Crown’s bankers financed the construction of a Japanese war fleet, one that would later war against the US. Steel from England was used in the construction of the fleet. “Doesn’t that show how dependent the US is on us?” “We used the money we were lending to the US government for war purposes to buy oil fields in California, Mexico and South America.” “The war has made us masters of most of the world’s raw materials.” So the founding of the League of Nations was a plan to transfer the sovereignty of this powerful state-colony to the Crown. Thanks to strong opposition from Republicans in Congress at the time, the United States rejected this “peace plan” and the establishment of the League of Nations failed. Still, the bankers’ plot was only temporarily broken. Judeo-bankers, it is now well known, later financed Hitler (each war is a brother) and caused a major economic depression in the US. There is no need to talk about human sacrifices and the Jewish Holocaust because it is only collateral for Judeo-bankers. Interestingly, the terrified European Jews also accepted after the war to move to the new state of Israel, which had just been created by the Rothschilds by buying Palestinian land. By then, the Jews were rejecting it. The same bankers, with their lobbying, push the United States into World War II even though the US had no interest as a country in waging war in Europe. The originally conceived League of Nations, however, came to life as a United Nations organization in 1945. Bankers continue their fight precisely with the intention of reorganizing the UN today so that it is completely under their control, and the constant terrorist attack and the sowing of fear of terrorism is their intention to launch the war machine again. on a world scale. That’s why “terrorists” are everywhere. But this game of Judeo-banker is understood today, and the world is slowly uniting into another front – anti-globalization. Nations, religions and the real economic status of states do not differentiate people in this struggle. Because, all citizens of the world are actually not fighting against debt slavery, but only slavery.