Community co-creator


You become a co-creator of the Community by sending a written request to our email: in which you briefly explain why you want to become one. By requesting, you confirm that you have read “To be a co-creator” and “Co-creator’s responsibilities” and that you agree with everything stated in these texts. In the request you need to state your name and surname, address, date of birth, contact mail and tel./mobile phone number.

Also, in the request you need to attach your photo for the card, the name you want to be written on the card (it can be different from your “official” name and surname) and your scanned or photographed signature. Please make sure that the photo of you and your signature is sharp enough and has a uniform background to make it easier for us to make the card.

Since everything is done completely on a volunteer basis, we ask for your patience regarding the production and delivery of the Community ID card.